substances or objects that are formed in the process of production, performance of work, provision of services, as a result of consumption of products,
goods, packaging in connection with the loss of their consumer properties or in the process of consumption, which are subject to processing, disposal of waste or
Waste management
activity on boron, accumulation, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization, disposal of waste.
Waste collection
reception or receipt of waste from individuals and legal entities for further processing, disposal, neutralization,
transportation, and disposal of such wastes.
Transportation of waste
transport of waste through vehicles outside the boundaries of the land plot located in
property of a legal person or an individual entrepreneur or granted them on other rights. It is carried out in accordance with the requirements:
Art. 16
FZ "On production and consumption wastes" dated 24.06.1998 N 89-FZ;
Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 179 "On approval of the rules for issuing a special permit for traffic on motor roads of a vehicle,
carrying out the transportation of dangerous goods "of 04/07/2011;
Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 73 "On approval of the rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road" of 08/08/1995;
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
Accumulation of waste
temporary storage of waste (for a period not exceeding 11 months) in places (on sites), equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in
environmental protection and legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
Sanitary-epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the location and disposal of industrial waste and
consumption "),
with a view of their further utilization, neutralization, placement, transportation.
Waste treatment
preliminary preparation of waste for further disposal, including sorting, disassembling, cleaning.
Waste storage
storage of waste in specialized facilities for a period of more than 11 months for the purposes of disposal, neutralization,
Waste disposal
isolation of non-recyclable waste in special storage facilities to prevent
harmful substances entering the environment.
use of waste to produce goods (products), perform work, provide services,
including reuse of waste, including reuse of waste for direct use (recycling), their return to production
cycle after the appropriate preparation (regeneration), as well as recovery of useful components for their reuse (recovery).
Waste neutralization
reduction of the mass of waste, change in its composition, physical and chemical properties (including burning and (or)
disinfection at specialized facilities) in order to reduce the negative impact of waste on human health and the environment.
Waste Disposal Facilities
specially equipped facilities for waste disposal (landfill, slurry storage,
including a slurry barn, a tailings pond, a rock dump and others) and including waste storage facilities and waste disposal facilities.
Limit on waste disposal
the maximum permissible amount of waste of a particular type that can be placed by certain
way for a set period of time in waste disposal facilities, taking into account the ecological situation in the given territory.
Waste storage facilities
specially equipped facilities that are equipped in accordance with the requirements of legislation in
environmental protection and legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and are intended
for long-term storage of waste for the purpose of their subsequent disposal, disposal, burial.
Waste Generation Standard
The specified amount of waste of a particular type in the production of a unit of production.
Passport of Waste
a document certifying the ownership of waste to the waste of the relevant type and hazard class,
containing information about their composition. In accordance with the requirements
Art. 14 FZ "On production and consumption wastes" N 89-FZ of 24.06.1998
Individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, in the process
the activities of which generate wastes of I-V hazard classes, are obliged to assign the relevant waste to a specific hazard class
to confirm such assignment in the manner established by the authorized government of the Russian Federation.
Scrap and waste of non-ferrous and (or) ferrous metals
products that have become unusable or have lost their consumer properties from non-ferrous and non-ferrous metals
(or) ferrous metals and their alloys, wastes generated during the production of products made of non-ferrous and (or) ferrous metals and their alloys,
as well as an incorrigible marriage that arose in the process of manufacturing these products.
Solid municipal waste
- waste generated in residential premises in the process of consumption by individuals,
as well as goods that have lost their consumer properties in the process of their use by individuals in the veins of premises in order to meet
personal and domestic needs.
Solid municipal waste also includes wastes generated in the course of activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and
similar in composition to waste generated in residential premises with the process of consumption by individuals.
Operator for handling solid municipal waste
- an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity,
carrying out activities to collect, transport, process, dispose, neutralize, dispose of solid municipal waste.
Regional operator for the management of solid municipal waste
a legal entity that is obliged to conclude a contract for the provision of services for the management of solid municipal waste with the owner
solid municipal wastes that are formed and the collection sites of which are located in the zone of activity of the regional operator.
special permission to perform a specific type of activity by a legal person or an individual entrepreneur
(performance of work, provision of services that constitute the licensed type of activity), which is confirmed by a document issued by the licensing authority
on paper or in the form of an electronic document signed by an electronic signature, in the event that the application for a license
the need to issue such a document in the form of an electronic document was pointed out.
The place of implementation of a particular type of activity subject to licensing
object (room, building, structure, other object), which is intended for carrying out the licensed type of activity and (or)
used in its implementation, meets licensing requirements, belongs to the license applicant or licensee on the right
own or other legal basis, has a mailing address or other data allowing the identification of the object. Place of implementation
licensed type of activity may coincide with the location of the license applicant or the licensee.