The federal law regulates relations in the sphere of interaction between society and nature arising from the implementation of economic activities related to the impact on the environment as the most important component of the environment, which is the basis of life on Earth, within the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic the RF
The basic law regulating norms and requirements in the sphere of waste management
Draft Basic Law Regulating Norms and Requirements in the Sphere of Waste Management
The order provides for the list of goods, including packaging, to be disposed of, after they lose their consumer properties
The federal classification catalog of waste is a list containing the names and definitions of the hazard of any kind of garbage. It was designed to ensure the safety of natural resources requires to conduct an organized record of all the remnants of activities, both human and production
Activities related to the collection, transportation, utilization, treatment and disposal of waste are subject to licensing
This Regulation establishes the procedure for licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of wastes of I - IV hazard classes carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Transportation of waste
Approves the rules for the carriage of goods by road
Approves the rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road
Approves the rules for issuing a special permit for traffic on the roads of a vehicle carrying dangerous goods
When transporting waste by railway transport, it is necessary to refer to the Protocol of the 15th meeting of the Council on Rail Transport of the Commonwealth Member States dated 05.04.1996, and the requirements for transportation of waste by sea transport are specified in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS-74)
Sanitary and Epidemiological Legislation
The federal law is aimed at ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population as one of the basic conditions for the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to protect health and a favorable environment